Sorry for the confusion yesterday when the link you received in my blog article by email got corrupted through Feedburner.
The link to view my 400+ photos is below:
Now if that doesn’t work, you can cut and paste the address above! I’m not sure why that happens to links in the emails that I send, however if it does happen again, you can always click on the title of the article (ex. this title is “Convention Displays Link Fixed”) and it should bring you right to my site and the link in the actual article on the web is always correct.
Or just go to and you can see the article and link there.
I say this because I have about 1500 persons subscribed by email and I was deluged with mail yesterday, LOL. Not quite 1500 but many. I know that many things on my site (video, galleries, etc.) do not come through via mail, so don’t hesitate to go to and see all you may be missing!
Hi Amy, Thank you soooo much for the photos. I attended the last 2 conventions, but was unable to go this year. They bring back wonderful memories and great ideas. Hugs, Linda 🙂
Thank-you so much for the photos, I’m a (very) new demo in the UK & although I won’t make it to this years European convention, you’ve made me want to go next year! 🙂
By the way, love your work, so inspiring.
Your blog’s wonderful; thank you for all the generous show & shares you give us so often; this shows all your hard work & committment you have towards your SU’ business/hobby.