I have received a number of complaints from Mac (Safari) users as well as Firefox users saying that my site crashes when they try to go on.
If you are experiencing this (I’ve tweaked some things I think it might be), please let me know what OS you are using and the browser and any error messages that you are experiencing. Thank you in advance!
Hi Amy, working fine for me. Thanks for the warning. I have Vista and I use Mozilla Firefox.
Firefox 3.0.13 and Vista no problems.
Hi Amy, thank you so much for taking the time to share the photos of convention. I almost feel as though I was there. I was wondering if yo are going to share the little folded piece with the butterfly on the cover. It is sitting on a drawn template on your second set of posted convention photos. thank you ann
Hi Amy,
I use Firefox and OS 10.4.11 Tiger on my Mac and I am able to access everything fine. No crashes!!
Is this a new issues with the website crashing? Perhaps people need to do updates?