I know, I know, this has been done over and over… BUT you haven’t seen MINE this year! (See mine last year here)
Actually, since I put it in my header ‘slideshow’, I’ve been asked to publish the entire thing and so here you go!
To make the box ‘cover’, I shamelessly took a four inch by 12 inch wide piece of bond paper and wrapped it around the box, pinching each corner. I measured each pinch and then scored a 4 x 8 piece of Riding Hood Red cardstock to cover the box (saving of course my scrap of bond paper for the Smithsonian for when they call…).
The ribbon is a little tricker (in how easy), I punched the top on both sides (you can see through both holes from the front) and then ran a ribbon straight through. Push the box down into the box cover with the ribbon strand across the bottom and then tie what is left at the top.
If you haven’t gone overboard with the glue (come on… you know who you are…), the box will slide in and out by pulling the bow.
After that works, put the embellishments on the front.
Ah, this is such a cute idea! Love it and the new blog look Ü
Beeeautiful Ü