I am re-posting this last year’s gift bag/stationery sample done with the retiring set "A Touch of Nature" set that is retiring shortly! This is one of the couple of sets of stationery that I made for teacher’s gifts last year.
I took a small 8 1/2 x 5 1/4 x 3 inch Kraft handle bag and put a ‘false front’ and stamped the vanilla tissue. The bag matches the card and stationery container all made with cardstock. I have the stationery holder standing at far left and shown open at the bottom. The card is standing up.
The template for the stationery holder is HERE.
The main set used is "A Touch of Nature" The colors are Always Artichoke, So Saffron (sponged with More Mustard) and Black. I got the inspiration for the entire ensemble from the card (which I got in a swap but didn’t have a name on it–gotta put your name on stuff!). The center of the flower is a brown pom-pom… the 3D look is priceless.
Hi Amy ~ love what you have done with this set! BTW – you have been lovingly tagged!
I wanted to let you know I nominated you for an award.
I love your blog! I’m actually condsidering your wordpress templates, so I will be in touch. I’ve given you an award so be sure to check out my blog for details. Thank you!
Nominating you for the Brilliant Blogger award