This adorable desk calendar is my latest SAB Stamp Camp item that I will share here. This one was more popular than the poor mailbox! The design was stolen from Margie Roderer (a very talented lady who needs a blog!).
The very slim CD cases will open and (after a slight resistance) flip backwards and you can stand it up. UPDATE: You can download the calendar (in EXCEL format) The creator “Cat” will be updating the calendar for 2008 on that link. The other place you can get pre-printed calendars is at, they sell tiny calendars already bound in a number of sizes.
Tomorrow is the last day to place your order for the “Delight In Life” SAB set which I used in this project. I will be sad to see the SAB sets gone this year, I’ve really loved them all… especially the Simply Scrappin’ kit.
I made this at the winter stamp festival, and it sits on my stamping desk. I plan to update it for 2008. My daughters think it’s a really cool idea.